How a small seed becomes Europe's heaviest pumpkin: The heaviest pumpkins in Europe were weighed again in Ludwigsburg on Sunday. One winner now weighs more ...,-wie-aus-einer-kleinen-saat-europas-schwerster-kuerbis-wird-_arid,803356.html
How a small seed becomes Europe's heaviest pumpkin
Sunday shopping: There will be no major traffic chaos - | despite breakdowns: Although the sun was shining and the streets were full, there was some relief in ...,-veranstaltungssonntag-das-grosse-verkehrschaos-bleibt-aus-trotz-pannen-_arid,803376.html
Sunday shopping: There will be no major traffic chaos - | despite ...
Ross and Paul shimmer in the glass in Roßwag: 800 wine lovers attended the wine premiere with Ross Antony and Paul Reeves in the Lembergerland winery in Roßwag.,-ross-und-paul-schillern-in-rosswag-im-glas-_arid,803325.html
Ross and Paul shimmer in the glass in Roßwag
Quick Glance: Celebrity Wine Launch in Rosswag
  • Ross Antony and Paul Reeves introduced their new wine line to around 700 guests at an event in Rosswag.

  • The wines, a Weißburgunder called 'Ross' and a Lemberger named 'Paul', were created in collaboration with Lembergerland Winery.

  • The Lemberger 'Paul' features fruity notes of black cherry and blackberry, while the Weißburgunder 'Ross' showcases pear and apple flavors.

  • The labels depict the silhouettes of the two musicians facing each other, forming the inscription 'Ross & Paul'.
"Troy" in the Ludwigsburg Forum: A declaration of war in the danced form: The Munich State Theater on Gärtnerplatz is once again opening the season in the Forum ...,-troja-im-ludwigsburger-forum-eine-kriegserklaerung-der-getanzten-art-_arid,803362.html
Ludwigsburg district: Security forces face up to the danger at night: Security forces are now being deployed on selected night buses in the Ludwigsburg district ...,-kreis-ludwigsburg-securities-bieten-der-gefahr-bei-nacht-die-stirn-_arid,803347.html
Ludwigsburg district: Security forces face up to the danger at night
Matthias Knecht prepares Ludwigsburg for austerity: The local council and city administration met last weekend for their traditional autumn retreat ...,-matthias-knecht-bereitet-ludwigsburg-auf-sparkurs-vor-_arid,803365.html
Matthias Knecht prepares Ludwigsburg for austerity
Why there is suddenly a 30 km/h speed limit at Marbach station: “30 km/h speed limit instead of renovation, is that the new strategy of the Ministry of ...,-warum-am-bahnhof-marbach-jetzt-tempo-30-gilt-_arid,803360.html
Why there is suddenly a 30 km/h speed limit at Marbach station
Renovating your own home: What is the benefit of the advice bonus?: The advice bonus is intended to inspire owners to divide apartments in their house ...,-umbau-des-eigenheims-was-bringt-die-beratungspraemie-_arid,803338.html
Renovating your own home: What is the benefit of the advice bonus?
The many mysteries surrounding the Celtic seat on Hohenasperg: 2500 years ago, Hohenasperg and its surrounding area were a powerful Celtic centre ...,-geheimnisvoller-keltensitz-auf-dem-hohenasperg-_arid,803342.html
The many mysteries surrounding the Celtic seat on Hohenasperg
"Music for Seniors" is entering a new round: The senior citizens' concerts continue with an expanded program: On Friday, October 25 ...,-musik-fuer-senioren-geht-in-eine-neue-runde-_arid,803337.html
Residents of the West Education Center complain about muddy streets: In the summer they suffered from the construction site dust. With the rain ...,-anwohner-am-bildungszentrum-west-klagen-ueber-schlammige-strassen-_arid,803334.html
Residents of the West Education Center complain about muddy streets
Feel-good atmosphere in the interim school in Freiberg: The Freiberg Kasteneck School has been housed in the old Oscar Paret School for two years ...,-wohlfuehlatmosphaere-in-der-interimsschule-in-freiberg-_arid,803336.html
Feel-good atmosphere in the interim school in Freiberg
Surrounded by construction sites: "Rosa Blu" boss Gabriele Tafuro despairs: Parking spaces right by the house, location on a busy road: This guaranteed Gabriele ...,-von-baustellen-umzingelt-rosa-blu-chef-gabriele-tafuro-verzweifelt-_arid,803122.html
Surrounded by construction sites:
Flow carries SG BBM Bietigheim 3 to victory at TV Mundelsheim: The surprise team of the handball regional league continues to cause a sensation ...,-flow-traegt-sg-bbm-bietigheim-3-auch-zum-sieg-beim-tv-mundelsheim-_arid,803316.html
Flow carries SG BBM Bietigheim 3 to victory at TV Mundelsheim
Rick Schneider shows how to make a cheese platter with a wow effect: Today the kitchen is staying cold - | there is a cheese platter with a real wow effect ...,-rick-schneider-zeigt-wie-die-kaeseplatte-mit-wow-effekt-gelingt-_arid,803086.html
Rick Schneider shows how to make a cheese platter with a wow effect
Reusable in Ludwigsburg: The response is pretty poor: It hasn't really taken off that as many businesses as possible are switching to reusable systems for ...,-mehrweg-in-ludwigsburg-die-resonanz-ist-ziemlich-mager-_arid,803073.html
Reusable in Ludwigsburg: The response is pretty poor
Simon Danco from Ludwigsburg collects donations on roller skis: To encourage, push your own limits and support children's cancer aid, that's what Simon ...,-der-ludwigsburger-simon-danco-sammelt-spenden-auf-rollerski-_arid,802866.html
Simon Danco from Ludwigsburg collects donations on roller skis
Crispy bread and sparkling wine in a glass on the Kelterplatz: The “Bread and Wine” experience day this weekend focused on the two oldest foods in the world.,-knuspriges-brot-und-schillernder-wein-im-glas-_arid,803225.html
Crispy bread and sparkling wine in a glass on the Kelterplatz
Bietigheim Steelers make it a dozen at FV Füssen: Next please: After an 8:0 win on Friday against Bayreuth, the Bietigheim Steelers also managed a landslide ...,-bietigheim-steelers-machen-beim-fv-fuessen-das-dutzend-voll-_arid,803263.html
Bietigheim Steelers make it a dozen at FV Füssen
SGV Freiberg remains calm against Hessen Kassel and defends well: SGV Freiberg manages its first three points at home in the regional football league against ...,-sgv-freiberg-bleibt-gegen-hessen-kassel-ruhig-und-verteidigt-gut-_arid,803217.html
SGV Freiberg remains calm against Hessen Kassel and defends well
Majority of voters are in favor of renovation and overturn council decision: The primary school in Gemmrigheim is being renovated. That is the result of the ...,-mehrheit-fuer-sanierung-der-schule-_arid,803260.html
Majority of voters are in favor of renovation and overturn council ...
Cup exit of the MHP-Riesen is worrying: It's over after the first cup game of the season: The MHP-Riesen Ludwigsburg are eliminated in the round of 16 of the ...,-pokal-aus-der-mhp-riesen-bereitet-sorgen-_arid,803257.html
Cup exit of the MHP-Riesen is worrying
Setback for TSV Heimerdingen: With a 2-0 win at SGM Krumme Ebene, TV Pflugfelden finally managed its first win in the regional football league ...,-daempfer-fuer-den-tsv-heimerdingen-_arid,803255.html
Setback for TSV Heimerdingen
This athlete runs to victory in his very first marathon: Around 3,900 runners took part in the anniversary event. Sven Heinle ran his first ever marathon and won ...,-dieser-sportler-laeuft-bei-seinem-allerersten-marathon-zum-sieg-_arid,803249.html
This athlete runs to victory in his very first marathon
"Now" Festival: "Create encounters, plant memories": The "Now!" Festival of the Stuttgart cultural region came to an end with a large-scale closing day in ...,-festival-jetztbegegnungen-schaffen-erinnerungen-pflanzen-_arid,803245.html
HB Ludwigsburg finds its way in time against ZRK Buducnost: The long journey to Podgorica is worth it. In the capital of Montenegro, the Ludwigsburg handball ...,-hb-ludwigsburg-findet-gegen-zrk-buducnost-rechtzeitig-in-die-spur-_arid,803243.html
HB Ludwigsburg finds its way in time against ZRK Buducnost
Red-cheeked fruit is the focus in Bietigheim-Bissingen: The Active Entrepreneurs have scored again with their 16th Apple Festival in Bietigheim's old town ...,-rotbackige-fruechte-stehen-in-bietigheim-bissingen-im-mittelpunkt-_arid,803241.html
Red-cheeked fruit is the focus in Bietigheim-Bissingen
HC Ludwigsburg gets the extra point: The men's team of HCLudwigsburg once again scores the extra point in the 2nd field hockey league: The HCL beats the ...,-hc-ludwigsburg-ergattert-sich-den-extrapunkt-_arid,803233.html
HC Ludwigsburg gets the extra point
Markgröningen says yes to solar systems, but wants a gradual expansion: The municipalities are currently also exploring the photovoltaic potential ...,-ja-zu-solaranlagen-aber-schrittweiser-ausbau-_arid,803222.html
Markgröningen says yes to solar systems, but wants a gradual expansion
This is what will be on the table at the fire brigade festival in Pflugfelden: They know how to party in Pflugfelden. They proved this again at the fire brigade ...,-das-kommt-beim-feuerwehrfest-in-pflugfelden-auf-den-tisch-_arid,803220.html
This is what will be on the table at the fire brigade festival in ...
Verdi's "Messa da Requiem": Fall into hell and hope for eternity: The Stuttgart Philharmonic Orchestra opened its "subscription sextet" with a magnificent ...,-verdis-messa-da-requiem-hoellensturz-und-ewigkeitshoffnung-_arid,803219.html
Construction to start soon: By bike from Ludwigsburg via Remseck to Waiblingen: The new cycle path was the topic of discussion at the most recent meeting of the ...,-mit-dem-rad-von-ludwigsburg-nach-waiblingen-_arid,803127.html
Construction to start soon: By bike from Ludwigsburg via Remseck to ...
"There is no way around grief": Grief needs to be expressed - | Cornelia Reiser-Neudeck is convinced of this. As a grief counselor ...,-an-trauer-fuehrt-kein-weg-vorbei-_arid,803104.html
Apartment fire ends exercise of the Asperg fire brigade: A fire in an attic apartment of an apartment building on Moselstrasse in Asperg triggered a major ...,-wohnungsbrand-beendet-uebung-der-feuerwehr-in-asperg-_arid,803201.html
Apartment fire ends exercise of the Asperg fire brigade
The inclined elevator in the Hoheneck spa remains a problem child: The inclined elevator in the Hoheneck spa is repeatedly broken. This not only annoys guests ...,-der-schraegaufzug-im-heilbad-hoheneck-bleibt-ein-sorgenkind-_arid,803074.html
The inclined elevator in the Hoheneck spa remains a problem child
Nana Hülsewig as a female genius with a wink: The Stuttgart artist Nana Hülsewig has recently settled into the multi-purpose room of the Kornwestheim ...,-nana-huelsewig-als-weibliches-genie-mit-augenzwinkern-_arid,803007.html
Nana Hülsewig as a female genius with a wink
Festival director Lucas Reuter starts his first double season with the Forum: The new director of the Ludwigsburg Palace Festival, Lucas Reuter ...,-festspielintendant-lucas-reuter-startet-mit-dem-forum-in-seine-erste-doppelsaison-_arid,803045.html
Festival director Lucas Reuter starts his first double season with the ...
To mark the tenth anniversary: ​​ArTamm studio community is dedicated to nature: The ArTamm studio community is showing its traditional annual show this weekend ...,-zum-zehnjaehrigen-jubilaeum-ateliergemeinschaft-artamm-widmet-sich-der-natur-_arid,803049.html
To mark the tenth anniversary: ​​ArTamm studio community is dedicated to ...
Nobel Prize for Literature for South Korean Han Kang: The Swedish Academy has revealed the big secret as to who it will award this year's Nobel Prize for ...,-literaturnobelpreis-fuer-suedkoreanerin-han-kang-_arid,802936.html
Nobel Prize for Literature for South Korean Han Kang
Quick Glance: Han Kang: Chronicler of Pain
  • South Korean author Han Kang was awarded the 2024 Nobel Prize in Literature for her intense poetic prose that addresses historical traumas.

  • Her novels, such as 'Human Acts' and 'The Vegetarian', explore human behavior and the consequences of violence while grappling with themes of identity and grief.

  • Korean literature is currently experiencing a global surge, and Kang's award is expected to further increase interest in her works.

  • Despite her accolade, Han Kang expresses concern over ongoing conflicts and refrains from celebrating the prize while people suffer in wars.
8:0! Bietigheim Steelers celebrate a home party against Bayreuth Tigers: The Bietigheim Steelers dominate the Bayreuth Tigers in their 8:0 landslide victory ...,-80-bietigheim-steelers-feiern-eine-heim-party-gegen-bayreuth-tigers-_arid,803130.html
8:0! Bietigheim Steelers celebrate a home party against Bayreuth Tigers
Dietmar Allgaier is not running for president of VfB Stuttgart: VfB Stuttgart announces the date for the general meeting at which the new president will be ...,-dietmar-allgaier-kandidiert-nicht-als-praesident-des-vfb-stuttgart-_arid,803124.html
Dietmar Allgaier is not running for president of VfB Stuttgart
Dynamic sound without compromises in the Kelter Hof and Lembach: Energetic guitar riffs, a powerful singer and dynamic drums enchanted the audience in the Kelter ...,-dynamischer-sound-ohne-kompromisse-in-der-kelter-hof-und-lembach-_arid,803117.html
Dynamic sound without compromises in the Kelter Hof and Lembach
Special US Army vehicle causes closure of the Engelberg tunnel on the A81: Every now and then cars and trucks break down on the motorway - | it's just stupid ...,-besonderes-fahrzeug-der-us-armee-verursacht-sperrung-des-engelbergtunnels-auf-der-a81-_arid,803092.html
Special US Army vehicle causes closure of the Engelberg tunnel on the A81
Wagner & Keller sent bird cages all over the world: Founded in Ludwigsburg 155 years ago, Wagner & Keller was known worldwide for its production of bird cages ...,-wagner-keller-schickte-vogelkaefige-in-die-ganze-welt-_arid,803119.html
Wagner & Keller sent bird cages all over the world
HB Ludwigsburg wants to take the next step towards the playoffs: The Ludwigsburg handball players are aiming for the playoff round in the Champions League ...,-hb-ludwigsburg-will-den-naechsten-schritt-in-richtung-playoffs-gehen-_arid,803118.html
HB Ludwigsburg wants to take the next step towards the playoffs
Tim Reich takes young players by the hand at FSV 08 II: Two top teams from the district football league are visiting Bietigheim-Bissingen on Sunday: The 08 ...,-tim-reich-nimmt-junge-spieler-an-die-hand-_arid,803114.html
Tim Reich takes young players by the hand at FSV 08 II
More protection for pedestrians on Bahnhofstrasse in Erdmannhausen: A cycle lane and a constant speed limit of 30 km/h on Bahnhofstrasse: local councillors want ...,-mehr-schutz-fuer-fussgaenger-in-der-bahnhofstrasse-in-erdmannhausen-_arid,803113.html
More protection for pedestrians on Bahnhofstrasse in Erdmannhausen
Dominykas Pleta from the MHP giants between nervousness and developmental leaps: In the round of 16 of the BBL Cup, the giants will face the MBC on Sunday ...,-dominykas-pleta-von-den-mhp-riesen-zwischen-nervositaet-und-entwicklungsspruengen-_arid,803112.html
Dominykas Pleta from the MHP giants between nervousness and developmental ...
Ludwigsburg: The motorsport club celebrates its 100th birthday: The Ludwigsburg Motorsport Club (MSC) turned 100 this year. A lot has happened since it was ...,-ludwigsburg-der-motorsportclub-feiert-seinen-100-geburtstag-_arid,803107.html
Ludwigsburg: The motorsport club celebrates its 100th birthday
Older woman is said to have bitten a boy on a Remseck football pitch: Police are investigating a woman for assault after she is said to have attacked an ...,-aeltere-frau-soll-jungen-auf-einem-remsecker-fussballplatz-gebissen-haben-_arid,803102.html
Older woman is said to have bitten a boy on a Remseck football pitch
S-Bahn will not run to Marbach for a week: Due to track work, the S 4 will not run to Marbach from October 26th to November 1st. Deutsche Bahn explains why the ...,-s-bahn-faehrt-eine-woche-lang-nicht-nach-marbach-_arid,803094.html
S-Bahn will not run to Marbach for a week
Toni Maroni is not coming to the chestnut bag festival in Ludwigsburg: Toni Maroni's chestnuts actually belong to the chestnut bag festival in Ludwigsburg ...,-toni-maroni-kommt-nicht-zum-kastanienbeutelfest-in-ludwigsburg-_arid,803087.html
Toni Maroni is not coming to the chestnut bag festival in Ludwigsburg
Strange: Unknown people want to steal 100 packs of coffee: Two unknown men attempted to steal over 100 packets of coffee from a discount store on Kreidlerstrasse ...,-unbekannte-wollen-100-packungen-kaffee-stehlen-_arid,803080.html
Strange: Unknown people want to steal 100 packs of coffee
Fake robbery on a cash transport: Do the cell phone data expose the defendants?: The fifth day of the trial on Friday concerning the alleged fake robbery on a ...,-fingierte-ueberfall-auf-geldtransport-entlarven-die-handydaten-die-angeklagten-_arid,803082.html
Fake robbery on a cash transport: Do the cell phone data expose the ...
Eight percent more money: This is what the mayors of Ludwigsburg and the surrounding area have to say about the demand,-acht-prozent-mehr-geld-das-sagen-die-rathauschefs-in-ludwigsburg-und-umgebung-zur-forderung-_arid,803072.html
Eight percent more money: This is what the mayors of Ludwigsburg and the ...
Hilal El-Helwe looks worriedly at his Lebanese homeland: The SGV Freiberg, who are in thirteenth place in the regional football league, are under a lot of ...,-hilal-el-helwe-blickt-besorgt-in-seine-libanesische-heimat-_arid,803071.html
Hilal El-Helwe looks worriedly at his Lebanese homeland
Northern lights over the district of Ludwigsburg: The sky over the district of Ludwigsburg was in spectacular colors during the night from Thursday to Friday ...,-polarlichter-ueber-dem-landkreis-ludwigsburg-_arid,803048.html
Northern lights over the district of Ludwigsburg
Quick Glance: Spectacular Aurora Borealis over Ludwigsburg
  • On the night from Thursday to Friday, stunning auroras appeared over the Ludwigsburg district.

  • The sky's coloration was partially visible to the naked eye, with long-exposure photographs capturing even more vivid colors.

  • These auroras were caused by two coronal mass ejections that generated geomagnetic storms, according to the Max Planck Institute.

  • In the coming nights, the comet Tsuchinshan-Atlas will also be visible in the western sky, especially on Friday evening.
Two retailers are moving forward together in terms of fashion: The retail sector is having a tough time. Claudia Fuchs and Brunhilde Schreijäg have merged their ...,-zwei-einzelhaendlerinnen-gehen-modisch-gemeinsam-in-die-zukunft-_arid,802995.html
Two retailers are moving forward together in terms of fashion
A lot of suffering for a little love: Franz is not having an easy time at the moment, as he has several wives, many children and a younger rival ...,-viel-leiden-fuer-ein-bisschen-liebe-_arid,802964.html
A lot of suffering for a little love
Ludwigsburg Mayor Matthias Knecht calls for a rethink on asylum centers: The issue of refugees is worrying Ludwigsburg. A conversation with Mayor Knecht about ...,-ludwigsburger-ob-matthias-knecht-fordert-umdenken-bei-asylzentren-_arid,802986.html
Ludwigsburg Mayor Matthias Knecht calls for a rethink on asylum centers
SG BBM Bietigheim still waiting for points at home: SG BBM Bietigheim once again missed the chance to score their first home points of the Bundesliga season ...,-sg-bbm-bietigheim-wartet-weiter-auf-punkte-daheim-_arid,803005.html
SG BBM Bietigheim still waiting for points at home
Vehicle crashes into a tree, passenger trapped: The Soldatensträßle (district road 1666 between Remseck and Ludwigsburg) is currently still closed in both ...,-fahrzeug-prallt-gegen-baum-beifahrer-schwer-verletzt-_arid,803001.html
Vehicle crashes into a tree, passenger trapped
Dennis Dietmann has a big goal with the Bietigheim Steelers: The young defender Dennis Dietmann is playing his second season with the Steelers ...,-dennis-dietmann-hat-mit-bietigheim-steelers-grosses-ziel-_arid,803000.html
Dennis Dietmann has a big goal with the Bietigheim Steelers
GSV Pleidelsheim wants to play offensively in Rutesheim with Patrick Sirch: This week, coach Luis Rodrigues told the team from the regional league football team ...,-gsv-pleidelsheim-will-in-rutesheim-mit-patrick-sirch-offensiv-auftreten-_arid,802999.html
GSV Pleidelsheim wants to play offensively in Rutesheim with Patrick Sirch
Business elects its parliament - | also in the district of Ludwigsburg: There are more than 400 candidates for the general assembly in Stuttgart and the five ...,-die-wirtschaft-waehlt-ihr-parlament-auch-im-landkreis-ludwigsburg-_arid,802990.html
Business elects its parliament - | also in the district of Ludwigsburg
Nena, the NDW pop star with unbroken girlish charm: 4,000 fans of different generations celebrate Nena's performance in the Ludwigsburg MHP Arena ...,-nena-der-ndw-popstar-mit-ungebrochen-maedchenhaftem-charme-_arid,802985.html
Nena, the NDW pop star with unbroken girlish charm
City writer Lucia Leidenfrost presents the exquisite and the deleted: Ludwigsburg city writer Lucia Leidenfrost presents the results of her work over several ...,-stadtschreiberin-lucia-leidenfrost-stellt-erlesenes-und-gestrichenes-vor-_arid,802868.html
City writer Lucia Leidenfrost presents the exquisite and the deleted
LKZ Instagram account was hacked: The Instagram account of the Ludwigsburger Keiszeitung is currently offline. The account was hacked.,-lkz-instagram-account-ist-aktuell-nicht-zu-erreichen-_arid,802979.html
LKZ Instagram account was hacked
18-Jähriger prallt mit seinem BMW auf Marbacher Schulparkplatz gegen einen Baum: Zu schnell war offenbar ein 18-Jähriger mit seinem BMW auf einem Schulparkplatz ...,-auto-prallt-auf-marbacher-schulparkplatz-gegen-einen-baum-_arid,802957.html
18-Jähriger prallt mit seinem BMW auf Marbacher Schulparkplatz gegen einen ...
Beschäftigte in Ludwigsburg sind weniger oft krank: Deutschlandweit steigt die Zahl der Krankenstände. In Ludwigsburg sinkt sie. Fühlen sich die Beschäftigten ...,-ludwigsburger-beschaeftigte-sind-weniger-oft-krank-_arid,802962.html
Beschäftigte in Ludwigsburg sind weniger oft krank