Northern lights over the southern Palatinate again: Northern lights over the southern Palatinate again - | Ilbesheim - | DIE RHEINPFALZ,-wieder-nordlichter-%C3%BCber-der-s%C3%BCdpfalz-_arid,5701369.html
This afternoon there will be a farewell game in DΓΌsseldorf for the former goalkeeper Georg Koch, who is suffering from cancer ... Show more
Ex-FCK goalkeeper Georg Koch: Friedhelm Funkel comes to farewell game - | Football - | DIE RHEINPFALZ
Ex-FCK goalkeeper Georg Koch: Friedhelm Funkel comes to farewell game - | Football - | DIE RHEINPFALZ
One in three people worry about their own finances: Inflation in Germany has recently fallen, while incomes are rising. Nevertheless, consumers are worried about ...,-jeder-dritte-macht-sich-sorgen-%C3%BCber-eigene-finanzen-_arid,5701716.html
Why women are becoming the "It" in the West Palatinate: Why women are becoming the "It" in the West Palatinate - | Saach blooΓ - | the dialect series - | DIE ...,-warum-in-der-westpfalz-die-frau-zum-es-wird-_arid,5701353.html
Traffic chaos on the A623: Ten volunteers push SUV away: Traffic chaos on the A623: Ten volunteers push SUV away - | SaarbrΓΌcken - | DIE RHEINPFALZ,-verkehrschaos-auf-der-a623-zehn-freiwillige-schieben-suv-weg-_arid,5701773.html
Price drop for old buildings: What homeowners should know now: Real estate prices in the Palatinate have been falling since 2022, especially for unrenovated ...,-preisr%C3%BCckgang-bei-altbauten-was-hausbesitzer-jetzt-wissen-sollten-_arid,5701316.html
Frank Ronstadt has been with 1. FC Kaiserslautern for almost a year. But this time has been a time of suffering. His faith is helping him on his way back ... Show more
Frank Ronstadt: Every injury makes me stronger - | 1. FC Kaiserslautern - | DIE RHEINPFALZ
Frank Ronstadt: Every injury makes me stronger - | 1. FC Kaiserslautern - | DIE RHEINPFALZ
Bicycle helmets: What to look for when buying: If you are looking for a bicycle helmet, you have a huge selection to choose from. A good fit is important ...,-fahrradhelme-worauf-man-beim-kauf-achten-muss-_arid,5700853.html
Barrier fences stand in the way uselessly: Harthausen. Road closures due to construction work are sometimes unavoidable. It is annoying for road users when weeks ...,-absperrz%C3%A4une-stehen-nutzlos-im-weg-_arid,5701435.html
New hiking trail: The "Scheeseweg" near Herrschweiler-Pettersheim π¨βπ©βπ§βπ¦π² As a family circular route, the Scheeseweg (based on the Palatinate word "Schees" ... Show more
How "kingmaker" Steffen Michler trains the wine queens: Steffen Michler can turn DΓΌrkheim wine princesses into Palatinate queens. The sensory expert and owner of ...,-wie-k%C3%B6nigsmacher-steffen-michler-die-weinhoheiten-trainiert-_arid,5701389.html
Former goalkeeper with cancer: FCK coach Markus Anfang has a special relationship with Georg Koch,-krebskranker-ex-torwart-fck-trainer-markus-anfang-hat-besondere-beziehung-zu-georg-koch-_arid,5701706.html
How cyanobacteria changed the world: Pirmasens researchers in a TV documentary: How cyanobacteria changed the world: Pirmasens researchers in a TV documentary - ...,-wie-cyanobakterien-die-welt-ver%C3%A4nderten-pirmasenser-forscher-in-fernseh-doku-_arid,5701609.html
Russenweiher: City sees fishing enthusiasts as having a duty: The city administration expects the Speyer anglers to show greater commitment to maintaining the ...,-russenweiher-stadt-sieht-anglerfreunde-in-der-pflicht-_arid,5701603.html
Amicitia HΓΌtte: It will be open again on November 3rd: Amicitia HΓΌtte: It will be open again on November 3rd - | Weyher - | DIE RHEINPFALZ,-amicitia-h%C3%BCtte-am-3-november-ist-nochmal-offen-_arid,5701547.html
Father and son sentenced for selling illegal weapons of war to pizzeria owner: The background to the case of the pizzeria owner from the Kaiserslautern district ...,-vater-und-sohn-wegen-verkaufs-von-illegaler-kriegswaffe-an-pizzeria-wirt-verurteilt-_arid,5701573.html
New grocery store Yobsti to be built: There should soon be a grocery store again in KΓ€tzeldorf.,-neuer-lebensmittelmarkt-yobsti-soll-kommen-_arid,5701560.html
Outlet wants to grow - | toy and furniture shops also possible: Outlet wants to grow - | toy and furniture shops also possible - | ZweibrΓΌcken - | DIE RHEINPFALZ,-outlet-will-wachsen-auch-spielwaren-und-m%C3%B6bell%C3%A4den-m%C3%B6glich-_arid,5701484.html
Specialist shop TV-Profi: The Kerns are pulling out: The bad news: With TV-Profi, another specialist shop with a long tradition is closing ...,-fachgesch%C3%A4ft-tv-profi-die-kerns-ziehen-sich-zur%C3%BCck-_arid,5701485.html
The market criers in ZweibrΓΌcken are so cheeky and funny (with video): The market criers in ZweibrΓΌcken are so cheeky and funny (with video) - | ZweibrΓΌcken - | ...,-so-frech-und-lustig-sind-die-marktschreier-in-zweibr%C3%BCcken-mit-video-_arid,5701538.html
New Alb bridge construction: Waiting for major traffic chaos: The Alb Bridge near the Knielingen district of Karlsruhe is being demolished and rebuilt ...,-albbr%C3%BCcken-neubau-warten-auf-das-gro%C3%9Fe-verkehrschaos-_arid,5701467.html
Pfalzwerke make emergency sale: Short adventure: In March, the energy company Pfalzwerke bought into the Austrian e-charging technology provider EnerCharge ...,-pfalzwerke-t%C3%A4tigen-notverkauf-_arid,5701475.html
Trees grow more slowly in Rhineland-Palatinate forests: Rhineland-Palatinate is the most forested federal state. However, climate change and pest infestation are ...,-b%C3%A4ume-wachsen-langsamer-in-rheinland-pf%C3%A4lzischen-w%C3%A4ldern-_arid,5701506.html
After fleeing Ukraine: found a job through the Barber Angels: Tanya Shnel fled the war in Ukraine with her family. The hairdresser is involved with the Barber ...,-nach-flucht-aus-der-ukraine-%C3%BCber-die-barber-angels-job-gefunden-_arid,5701413.html
Free Voters: Eleven employees dismissed without notice: The employees of the former Free Voters faction in the Rhineland-Palatinate state parliament have been ...,-freie-w%C3%A4hler-elf-mitarbeitende-fristlos-gek%C3%BCndigt-_arid,5701667.html
After accident with two dead: start of trial has been set: More than a year after the fatal accident on the Braunsberg and almost four months after the charges ...,-nach-unfall-mit-zwei-toten-prozessauftakt-steht-fest-_arid,5701440.html
FCK loses in Freiburg: defeat with good news: The FCK loses a friendly match against Bundesliga club SC Freiburg 1:2. Coach Markus Anfang has to do without his ...,-fck-verliert-in-freiburg-niederlage-mit-guten-nachrichten-_arid,5701642.html
Towed away at the train station: vehicle owner criticizes the municipality: Parked at the Hassloch train station in the morning, in the evening the car is parked ...,-abgeschleppt-am-bahnhof-fahrzeughalter-kritisiert-gemeinde-_arid,5701382.html
Why the Kaiserslautern traffic light men will love "Betzi": From October 14th, the first "Betzi" traffic light man will light up in Kaiserslautern ...,-warum-die-kaiserslauterer-ampelm%C3%A4nnchen-betzi-lieben-werden-_arid,5701342.html
Common thorn apple: poisonous plant grows on the school route: Excitement in Lachen-Speyerdorf: The poisonous plant common thorn apple is currently appearing ...,-gemeiner-stechapfel-giftpflanze-w%C3%A4chst-an-schulweg-_arid,5701197.html
With or without a withdrawal of the police: the police need more personnel: The structural reform of the police is one thing. The other: more positions urgently ...,-mit-oder-ohne-kripo-abzug-die-polizei-braucht-mehr-personal-_arid,5701160.html
If you want to come to the wine festival parade: This is what you need to know: If you want to come to the wine festival parade: This is what you need to know - ...,-wenn-sie-zum-winzerfestumzug-kommen-wollen-das-gibt-es-zu-beachten-_arid,5701130.html
Northern lights over the southern Palatinate again: Northern lights over the southern Palatinate again - | Ilbesheim - | DIE RHEINPFALZ,-wieder-nordlichter-%C3%BCber-der-s%C3%BCdpfalz-_arid,5701369.html
Autumn fair: Parking on the fairgrounds is closed: Autumn fair: Parking on the fairgrounds is closed - | Speyer - | DIE RHEINPFALZ,-herbstmesse-parkplatz-auf-festplatz-gesperrt-_arid,5701151.html
Young barn owls find a new home on church towers: As part of the Nabu campaign βChurch tower habitatβ, two young barn owls from the HaΓloch bird of prey station ...,-junge-schleiereulen-finden-neue-heimat-auf-kircht%C3%BCrmen-_arid,5701030.html
Tenant eviction: This is the trick that the landlords used to win in court: A woman from the GrΓΌnstadt area has to move out of her apartment, even though she has ...,-mieter-rauswurf-mit-diesem-kniff-haben-die-vermieter-vor-gericht-gesiegt-_arid,5701153.html
Human remains deliberately wrongly dated?: A senior employee of the Rhineland-Palatinate State Archaeology Department is said to have used tricks to gain a ...,-funde-von-menschlichen-%C3%BCberresten-bewusst-falsch-datiert-_arid,5701286.html
Christian and Sina Zeise open a dart shop: Hardly any sport has been as trendy in recent times as darts. Christian and Sina Zeise love the sport and have a ...,-christian-und-sina-zeise-er%C3%B6ffnen-dartshop-_arid,5701079.html
Because he tried to remove an Asian hornet nest himself, a man in the Karlsruhe district suffered an allergic shock from being stung and his life was in danger.
Shift change: people with and without disabilities swap jobs: Job swapping is also on the agenda in Landstuhl on the βShift Changeβ campaign day ...,-schichtwechsel-menschen-mit-und-ohne-beeintr%C3%A4chtigung-tauschen-die-arbeitspl%C3%A4tze-_arid,5701085.html
Plans for the former "Ochsen" are progressing: Three gables with a gable roof over the foyer, or two gables with a flat roof? When planning the former "Zum ...,-pl%C3%A4ne-f%C3%BCr-ehemaligen-ochsen-schreiten-voran-_arid,5701116.html
After security survey: Weapons ban zone to remain: Knife crime in particular has recently caused great concern in Mannheim. A criminologist and the responsible ...,-nach-sicherheitsbefragung-waffenverbotszone-soll-bleiben-_arid,5701158.html
PfΓ€lzer gewinnt bei Lotto Β«6 aus 49Β» rund 885.000 Euro: Zum Jackpot fehlt einem Mann aus dem Landkreis Kaiserslautern eine Zahl. Er gewinnt beim Lotto dennoch ...,-pf%C3%A4lzer-gewinnt-bei-lotto-6-aus-49-rund-885-000-euro-_arid,5699861.html
JΓΌrgen Klopp is not a traitor to football: JΓΌrgen Klopp's signing with the Red Bull Group came as a surprise. To call the self-proclaimed football romantic a ...,-j%C3%BCrgen-klopp-ist-kein-verr%C3%A4ter-am-fu%C3%9Fball-_arid,5700499.html
Quick Glance: Klopp's Break with Football Romanticism
- JΓΌrgen Klopp has taken a new job at Red Bull, significantly damaging his image.
- His decision to work as Head of Global Soccer is seen by football fans as a betrayal.
- The association with Red Bull, a symbol of commercial interests in football, contradicts Klopp's previous reputation as a football romantic.
- Klopp risks his credibility and popularity by accepting this controversial position.
Deportation detention: Which people end up behind bars?: Most people who are deported from Rhineland-Palatinate are taken out of the country from their ...,-abschiebungshaft-welche-menschen-landen-hinter-gittern-_arid,5701213.html
Hurricane Milton hits land: reports of deaths: Even before the hurricane reached the coast of Florida, its effects were felt in Florida ...,-hurrikan-milton-auf-land-getroffen-berichte-%C3%BCber-tote-_arid,5700809.html
"An impertinence": mother names abuses in the school bus: The school bus is a constant topic of discussion among parents all over the country ...,-eine-frechheit-mutter-benennt-missst%C3%A4nde-beim-schulbus-_arid,5701135.html
Who are the losers and winners at FCK so far?: Things are getting louder at second division club 1. FC Kaiserslautern. After five games in a row without a win ...,-wer-sind-bislang-die-verlierer-und-gewinner-beim-fck-_arid,5701163.html
Country women tackle their dusty image: The country women want to become more modern. In Weisenheim am Berg, too, the dusty image is being tackled.,-landfrauen-gehen-ihrem-verstaubten-image-an-den-kragen-_arid,5700930.html
After a landslide: How Rietburg is to be saved: Actually, he has no say in the Rietburg. And yet the Rietburg Association makes a significant contribution to the ...,-nach-hangrutsch-wie-die-rietburg-gerettet-werden-soll-_arid,5700943.html
Rafael Nadal announces retirement: Rafael Nadal announces retirement - | Tennis - | DIE RHEINPFALZ,-rafael-nadal-k%C3%BCndigt-karriereende-an-_arid,5700904.html
U-turn: Joachim Streit wants to return to the state parliament: The open exchange of blows was followed by the break-up of the parliamentary group of the Free ...,-kehrtwende-joachim-streit-will-zur%C3%BCck-in-den-landtag-_arid,5701185.html
What annoys citizens: fiber optic expansion raises questions: Fiber optic cables are being laid in many places. Sidewalks are being torn up ...,-was-b%C3%BCrger-%C3%A4rgert-glasfaserausbau-wirft-fragen-auf-_arid,5700891.html
Fine | and suspended sentence for the head of the ZweibrΓΌcken neo-Nazis: The leading head of the right-wing extremist ZweibrΓΌcken group "National Resistance" has ...,-geld-und-bew%C3%A4hrungsstrafe-f%C3%BCr-den-kopf-der-zweibr%C3%BCcker-neonazis-_arid,5700902.html
π©βπ¦³π Ayla Akyildiz came to Germany from Turkey as a guest worker in the 1970s. Chiara is the child of immigrants. How do two generations of immigrants view ... Show more
Dude! The Generations Podcast - | DIE RHEINPFALZ
Dude! The Generations Podcast - | DIE RHEINPFALZ
Leitheiser case: An attack on freedom: If the state cuts the pension of one of its police officers because the RHEINPFALZ reports on his case ...,-fall-leitheiser-ein-angriff-auf-die-freiheit-_arid,5700755.html
Fewer stations and channels: How broadcasting is to be reformed: The federal states want to restructure public broadcasting. It is clear that there will be fewer ...,-weniger-sender-und-kan%C3%A4le-wie-der-rundfunk-reformiert-werden-soll-_arid,5701041.html
DΓΌrkheimer Advent: Jump onto the town square: The DΓΌrkheimer Advent is growing - | in two ways. With three additional Thursdays, the Christmas market is getting ...,-d%C3%BCrkheimer-advent-sprung-auf-stadtplatz-_arid,5700984.html
Storm Kirk: How the Palatinate was affected: Storm Kirk: How the Palatinate was affected - | Storms - | DIE RHEINPFALZ,-sturm-kirk-so-war-die-pfalz-betroffen-_arid,5700716.html
Wine tasting: Pastor, what is the weirdest drunken story in the Bible?: At a biblical wine tasting by the GrΓΌnstadt settlers on Friday, Carlsberg pastor Julian ...,-weinprobe-herr-pfarrer-was-ist-die-schr%C3%A4gste-suff-geschichte-in-der-bibel-_arid,5700728.html
Trump tries to use the hurricanes to his advantage: The consequences of the deadly storms that have devastated the southeast of the USA will influence the ...,-trump-versucht-die-hurrikane-f%C3%BCr-sich-auszunutzen-_arid,5701012.html
How to overcome the fear of spiders: How to overcome the fear of spiders - | Quintessence - | DIE RHEINPFALZ,-wie-sich-die-angst-vor-spinnen-%C3%BCberwinden-l%C3%A4sst-_arid,5700779.html
Attack on prison officer: βThat could have ended fatallyβ: An inmate slit the throat of an employee of the Frankenthal correctional facility (JVA) with a piece ...,-angriff-auf-jva-beamten-das-h%C3%A4tte-t%C3%B6dlich-enden-k%C3%B6nnen-_arid,5701013.html
Referee Adam from Rockenhausen wants to whistle as long as his feet will carry him,-schiri-adam-aus-rockenhausen-will-pfeifen-so-lange-ihn-die-f%C3%BC%C3%9Fe-tragen-_arid,5700533.html
Digital learning: How a math chatbot helps students and teachers: Are the days when the best math student in his class won the hearts of his classmates as an ...,-digitales-lernen-wie-ein-mathe-chatbot-sch%C3%BClern-und-lehrern-hilft-_arid,5700791.html
CDU politician calls for entry ban for Thunberg: Climate activist Greta Thunberg repeatedly takes part in pro-Palestinian demonstrations - | on the anniversary ...,-cdu-politiker-fordert-einreisesperre-f%C3%BCr-thunberg-_arid,5700417.html
Quick Glance: Thunberg Critiques Germany's Treatment of Activists
- Greta Thunberg accused German police of using excessive force to dismantle a pro-Palestinian camp in Dortmund.
- The police stated that the camp's dissolution was due to concerns that Thunberg's presence would draw more protesters, initially labeling her as a 'potentially violent participant.'
- Thunberg expressed solidarity with Palestinians and criticized German authorities for actions against activists opposing genocide and occupation.
- Following her detention in Belgium at a climate demonstration, Thunberg has frequently participated in pro-Palestinian protests, amplifying criticisms of her perceived one-sided stance in the conflict.
Ex-FCK goalkeeper Georg Koch: Funkel comes to farewell game: Former FCK goalkeeper Georg Koch: Funkel comes to farewell game - | Football - | DIE RHEINPFALZ,-ex-fck-torwart-georg-koch-funkel-kommt-zu-abschiedsspiel-_arid,5700936.html
Psychiatrist Christiane KΓΆnig on depression: "There is no 'miracle drug' in sight",-psychiaterin-christiane-k%C3%B6nig-%C3%BCber-depressionen-das-wundermedikament-ist-nicht-in-sicht-_arid,5700690.html
Why a church employee wants to establish a queer regulars' table: The queer meeting place "buntgemischt" in Pirmasens has been a safe place for queer ...,-warum-eine-kirchenmitarbeiterin-einen-queeren-stammtisch-etablieren-m%C3%B6chte-_arid,5700537.html
What life means with a disabled child: Manuela and Tobias Traub were looking forward to the birth of their twins three years ago. When Theresa was born ...,-was-das-leben-mit-einem-beeintr%C3%A4chtigten-kind-bedeutet-_arid,5700727.html
Accident involving a tram: 90-year-old pedestrian seriously injured: Accident with tram: 90-year-old pedestrian seriously injured - | Mannheim - | DIE RHEINPFALZ,-unfall-mit-stra%C3%9Fenbahn-90-j%C3%A4hrige-fu%C3%9Fg%C3%A4ngerin-schwer-verletzt-_arid,5700616.html
Flood prevention in the city center: What is important and who can do something: In order to be prepared for flooding caused by heavy rain, the city is drawing ...,-hochwasservorsorge-in-innenstadt-was-wichtig-wird-und-wer-etwas-tun-kann-_arid,5700674.html
Close to nature and informative: Our hiking tip this week is the "Scheeseweg" near Herrschweiler-Pettersheim π¨βπ©βπ§βπ¦π² As a family circular route ... Show more
Crafts then and now: The golden masters from the region: Anyone who receives the Golden Master Craftsman's Certificate from the Palatinate Chamber of Crafts ...,-handwerk-fr%C3%BCher-und-heute-die-goldenen-meister-aus-der-region-_arid,5700699.html
The two best Germans are arguing: Two German bobsleigh pilots have dominated the scene for years. Now a dispute seems to have broken out between the two ...,-die-beiden-besten-deutschen-zoffen-sich-_arid,5700444.html
Children need more exercise and fewer parent taxis: The purpose of picking up and dropping off children is often to make life easier for the offspring. However ...,-kinder-brauchen-mehr-bewegung-und-weniger-elterntaxis-_arid,5700744.html
Is this the cutest and most remote job in the world?: Surrounded by penguins all day and managing a few postcards. Sounds like exactly the right job? But there ...,-ist-dies-der-niedlichste-und-abgelegenste-job-der-welt-_arid,5700489.html
The other way: Restaurant lowers prices at lunchtime: The other way: Restaurant lowers prices at lunchtime - | Speyer - | DIE RHEINPFALZ,-umgekehrter-weg-restaurant-senkt-mittags-preise-_arid,5700697.html
The SPD is primarily looking for someone who can come up with ideas: Matthias Miersch succeeds Kevin KΓΌhnert as SPD General Secretary in a difficult time ...,-bei-der-spd-wird-vor-allem-ein-ideengeber-gesucht-_arid,5700323.html
Telephone fraud: 90-year-old gives gold jewelry to strangers: Telephone fraud: 90-year-old gives gold jewelry to strangers - | Pirmasens - | DIE RHEINPFALZ,-telefonbetrug-90-j%C3%A4hrige-gibt-goldschmuck-an-fremden-_arid,5700608.html
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