News on this topic
Brazil’s President Lula to undergo additional surgery for brain bleed: Hospital says the Brazilian leader is doing well as he prepares for a second surgery this ...
Brazil’s President Lula to undergo additional surgery for brain bleed
Brazil’s Lula to undergo additional medical procedure after brain bleed emergency surgery
Brazil’s Lula to undergo additional medical procedure after brain bleed ...
Brazilian President Lula's health stable following second operation after emergency brain surgery
Brazilian President Lula's health stable following second operation ...
More articles on this subject
Brazil’s President Lula ‘stable’ after emergency surgery: Doctors say left-wing leader will remain under observation for a few days after surgery for ...
Brazil’s President Lula ‘stable’ after emergency surgery
Brazil's Lula recovering from 'successful' second surgery: Brazilian President LuizInacio Lula da Silva underwent a second procedure following his ...
Brazil's Lula recovering from 'successful' second surgery
Lula to undergo new procedure to 'minimize' risk of future brain bleeding
Lula to undergo new procedure to 'minimize' risk of future brain ...
Brazil's left caught in the long shadow of ailing patriarch Lula: Emergency surgery to relieve a cranial hemorrhage has raised questions in Brazil over President ...
Brazil's left caught in the long shadow of ailing patriarch Lula
Brazil's President Lula to require further surgery: Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva underwent an initial brain surgery this week to drain a bleed ...
Brazil's President Lula to require further surgery
Lula 'stable' after emergency surgery: Lula 'stable' after emergency surgery - Americas - The Jakarta Post
Lula 'stable' after emergency surgery
Brazilian President Lula recovering in hospital after emergency brain surgery - Guyana Chronicle
Brazilian President Lula recovering in hospital after emergency brain ...
Lula: Brazil's president has to undergo surgery again: The Brazilian president has to undergo a second operation after suffering a brain haemorrhage ...
Lula: Brazil's president has to undergo surgery again
Brazilian President Lula da Silva recovering in intensive care after having emergency brain surgery
Brazilian President Lula da Silva recovering in intensive care after ...
Brazilian President Lula in Intensive Care After Emergency Brain Surgery: The 79-year-old Brazilian President is recovering in ICU after undergoing surgery for ...
Brazilian President Lula in Intensive Care After Emergency Brain Surgery
Brazil's Lula 'well' after brain bleed surgery: Brazil's President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is doing
Brazil's Lula 'well' after brain bleed surgery
Brazil's Lula 'stable' after emergency surgery: Brazil's 79-year-old President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is recovering from emergency surgery after ...
Brazil's Lula 'stable' after emergency surgery
Brazil’s Lula da Silva recovers from emergency head surgery: Lula was hospitalized after doctors detected internal bleeding in his head following an accident at ...
Brazil’s Lula da Silva recovers from emergency head surgery
Brazilian president Lula alert, ’progressed well’ since intracranial surgery: The leftist leader complained of a headache before an MRI showed he was suffering ...
Brazilian president Lula alert, ’progressed well’ since intracranial ...
Brazil's Lula recovering after surgery to drain head hemorrhage, hospital says: Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is recovering in an intensive-care ...
Brazil's Lula recovering after surgery to drain head hemorrhage ...
Brazil's Lula rushed to Sao Paulo for brain surgery, stable in ICU: The 79-year-old Lula is "well" and being monitored in the intensive care unit after ...
Brazil's Lula rushed to Sao Paulo for brain surgery, stable in ICU
Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva 'well' after undergoing surgery to drain brain bleed
Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva 'well' after undergoing ...
Brazilian President Lula 'doing well' after brain surgery: Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva is recovering in intensive care after undergoing brain ...
Brazilian President Lula 'doing well' after brain surgery
Brazil’s President Lula da Silva Undergoes Emergency Brain Surgery: The hospital treating da Silva, one of Latin America’s leading leftists ...
Brazil’s President Lula da Silva Undergoes Emergency Brain Surgery
Brazil's Lula undergoes surgery for brain hemorrhage: Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva underwent surgery for a brain hemorrhage related to ...
Brazil's Lula undergoes surgery for brain hemorrhage
Brazil's Lula recovering after brain surgery: Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva was taken to Sao Paulo overnight for emergency surgery to drain ...
Brazil's Lula recovering after brain surgery
Brazil's Lula undergoes surgery for 'intracranial hemorrhage': Hospital
Brazil's Lula undergoes surgery for 'intracranial ...
Brazilian President Lula recovering in Sao Paulo hospital after emergency brain surgery
Brazilian President Lula recovering in Sao Paulo hospital after emergency ...
Brazil's Lula undergoes brain surgery, stable in ICU: SAO PAULO (Reuters) -Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva underwent surgery in Sao Paulo to drain ...
Brazil's Lula undergoes brain surgery, stable in ICU
Brazil's Lula rushed to Sao Paulo for brain surgery, stable in ICU: Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva was rushed to Sao Paulo overnight for ...
Brazil's Lula rushed to Sao Paulo for brain surgery, stable in ICU
Brazil’s Lula undergoes brain surgery, stable in ICU: Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva undergoes successful brain surgery after October fall ...
Brazil’s Lula undergoes brain surgery, stable in ICU
Brazil’s president Lula undergoes brain surgery, stable in ICU: Brazil's President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has undergone surgery following a brain ...
Brazil’s president Lula undergoes brain surgery, stable in ICU