More articles on this subject
Why is genetic evidence of wolves not always clear?: After a suspected wolf attack on livestock, genetic evidence is supposed to provide proof ...
Why is genetic evidence of wolves not always clear?
Pioneer farm with 5,000 sows is giving up: Martin Houben, one of the largest and best-known pig farmers in the Netherlands, is giving up ...
Pioneer farm with 5,000 sows is giving up
Heart made of mustard: Farmer plants a huge message of love for his wife: With GPS, seeds and lots of love: Farmer from Bavaria surprises his wife on their ...
Heart made of mustard: Farmer plants a huge message of love for his wife
Why Same Deutz-Fahr is now building tractors for Massey Ferguson: In the area of ​​simply equipped tractors for the world market, Massey Ferguson is now buying ...
Why Same Deutz-Fahr is now building tractors for Massey Ferguson
Federal government to help cover extreme weather damage in 2024: The Federal Council is calling on the Federal Government to take the necessary steps to ensure ...
Federal government to help cover extreme weather damage in 2024
Vion sell-off continues - | no more livestock trading in Germany: The slaughterhouse company Vion is putting an end to livestock trading in Germany and is ...
Vion sell-off continues - | no more livestock trading in Germany
Will rat bait soon be banned?: Rats are constant companions of human civilization - | also on farms. The use of bait to control them may soon be banned.
Will rat bait soon be banned?
Regensburg: 120-year-old orchard cleared for building land: A 120-year-old orchard was cleared in Regensburg. Building land is now to be created there ...
Regensburg: 120-year-old orchard cleared for building land
CO2 tax explodes to 200 euros: heating costs plus 1000 euros, diesel plus 60 cents
CO2 tax explodes to 200 euros: heating costs plus 1000 euros ...
Federal election 2025: What the parties say about energy policy: The parties differ significantly in energy policy for the 2025 federal election ...
Federal election 2025: What the parties say about energy policy
For independence from Starlink: EU continues to work on its own satellite fleet: In order not to be dependent on Elon Musk's Starlink forever ...
For independence from Starlink: EU continues to work on its own satellite ...
Fertilizer prices out of control - | Buying fertilizer is becoming more and more expensive
Fertilizer prices out of control - | Buying fertilizer is becoming more ...
Volkswagen builds and rents out its own electric tractors in Rwanda: Farmers in Rwanda will soon be able to rent small electric tractors with removable batteries ...
Volkswagen builds and rents out its own electric tractors in Rwanda
Pig with open umbilical hernia at the slaughterhouse: suspended sentence for farmer
Pig with open umbilical hernia at the slaughterhouse: suspended sentence ...
Farmers in the EU are allowed to drive this slurry tank with a dolly: A slurry tank from Kotte uses a dolly chassis and thus achieves a high payload ...
Farmers in the EU are allowed to drive this slurry tank with a dolly
Pros and cons: Solar expansion only with large-scale systems?: The solar boom is sometimes leading to grid overload or negative electricity prices ...
Pros and cons: Solar expansion only with large-scale systems?
Fatal forest accidents: Expert warns against working alone in the woods: Working alone in the forest is discussed again and again in online forums and comment ...
Fatal forest accidents: Expert warns against working alone in the woods
FDP politician Harzer attacks Merz: "CDU flirts with green ban policy": Friedrich Merz has already made up his mind before the election: the SPD and/or the ...
FDP politician Harzer attacks Merz:
Organic market: strong market growth, little area growth: At Biofach, the organic sector is presenting current key figures. Sales of organic food grew much more ...
Organic market: strong market growth, little area growth
Kotte garant transport barrel receives EU type approval: No more individual approval: The garant TAV slurry feeder now has an EU type approval and can be used in ...
Kotte garant transport barrel receives EU type approval
No cash register, no staff: Aldi tests AI-led supermarket: Is this the future? Aldi is testing shopping directly into your pocket in a new "Shop&Go" store - | ...
No cash register, no staff: Aldi tests AI-led supermarket
More pigs in Denmark again: The pig population in Denmark has been growing again since its low point in 2023. Last year an increase of 215 ...
More pigs in Denmark again
Farm handover: "The biggest problem is the stubborn old people": The survey on the subject of farm handover has encouraged many readers to tell us about their ...
Farm handover:
Trump has dams in California opened - | Farmers are losing their water: Donald Trump has once again attracted attention with a very questionable decision: He is ...
Trump has dams in California opened - | Farmers are losing their water
Tender: Still huge interest in new solar parks: The tender round for the bid deadline of December 1, 2024 was oversubscribed by more than two times ...
Tender: Still huge interest in new solar parks
Charolais breeding with the Wehde family: “Breeding is in our genes”: LAND & FORESTRY - | The voice of agriculture. For generations. Top news on plants, animals ...
Charolais breeding with the Wehde family: “Breeding is in our genes”
Farmer loses leg - | But not the longing for her cows: Farmer Anette Drexl wants to walk independently again and look after her cows. After blood poisoning and ...
Farmer loses leg - | But not the longing for her cows
VW is developing an electric tractor for farmers, one-time battery replacement: Volkswagen is developing electric tractors. What sounds like an April Fool's ...
VW is developing an electric tractor for farmers, one-time battery ...
Fresh farmhouse bread from the farm: farmer reveals her tried and tested recipe: Farmer Christa Artmann reveals what is important when baking bread ...
Fresh farmhouse bread from the farm: farmer reveals her tried and tested ...
US farmers are the victims of Trump's trade war: Trump is currently hitting the world with punitive tariffs, and the first countries are countering with ...
US farmers are the victims of Trump's trade war
Amazon Foundation invests millions in cattle vaccine to reduce methane: Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is using his foundation to finance the development of a vaccine ...
Amazon Foundation invests millions in cattle vaccine to reduce methane
Eco-regulation 1d: For the first hectare of old grass strips, you get €900/ha: Anyone who creates 1 hectare of old grass strips can get €900/ha for it ...
Eco-regulation 1d: For the first hectare of old grass strips ...
Sharp drop in sales at the Krone Group: Krone has to accept a drop in sales of 25%. The entire agricultural technology industry hopes that things will improve ...
Sharp drop in sales at the Krone Group
Farmer (73) rams electricity pylon with tractor - | Blackout in district: A farmer (73) in Baden-Württemberg rammed an electricity pylon with his tractor while ...
Farmer (73) rams electricity pylon with tractor - | Blackout in district
Energy village Bundorf: cooperative draws positive conclusions after first year: Germany's largest community solar park generated 70 million kWh of ...
Energy village Bundorf: cooperative draws positive conclusions after first ...
Study shows: Farmers have successfully reduced ammonia emissions: Urea is one of the most important fertilizers, but it causes high ammonia emissions ...
Study shows: Farmers have successfully reduced ammonia emissions
Slurry accident on Neye - | Farmer subject to strict conditions and constant monitoring
Slurry accident on Neye - | Farmer subject to strict conditions and ...
Franconia - | Helicopter crashes into forest - | two dead: It is still unclear how this could have happened. Investigators are examining the wreckage.
Franconia - | Helicopter crashes into forest - | two dead
Indonesia wants to clear millions of hectares of rainforest: The Indonesian government wants to clear 20 million hectares of forest, primarily to grow rice and ...
Indonesia wants to clear millions of hectares of rainforest
Agricultural technology group CNH reports a drop in profits and gloomy prospects: CNH Industrial, like its competitors, is suffering from the current weak demand ...
Agricultural technology group CNH reports a drop in profits and gloomy ...
First aid for horses: What you need to know after a wolf attack: Seeing your own animal suffer is hard for owners. But in an emergency, every minute counts ...
First aid for horses: What you need to know after a wolf attack
Farmer wants to reduce tensions with hunters - | And gets a hunting license: Farmer Michael Wiedemann gets a hunting license. He is sure that there would be ...
Farmer wants to reduce tensions with hunters - | And gets a hunting ...
Due to oversupply of sugar: Südzucker wants to deliberately reduce cultivation area
Due to oversupply of sugar: Südzucker wants to deliberately reduce ...
The heating law is being abolished - | Consequences for farmers and consumers: We are abolishing the traffic light heating law, says the CDU. This was decided at ...
The heating law is being abolished - | Consequences for farmers and ...
Tariffs: Trump is causing unrest: With Donald Trump taking office, the mood on the agricultural markets is fluctuating between hope and fear ...
Tariffs: Trump is causing unrest
Negative trend stopped: slaughterhouses produce more meat: After seven years of decline, meat production in Germany rose slightly in 2024.
Negative trend stopped: slaughterhouses produce more meat
Penalty for incorrect fertilization: Can an employee demand compensation from my boss?
Penalty for incorrect fertilization: Can an employee demand compensation ...
The most expensive cow in the world sold for $4 million!: In Brazil, a cow was sold for an incredible $4 million in 2023. Read here what makes the Nelore cattle ...
The most expensive cow in the world sold for $4 million!
Bulls and cows are going through the roof: Producer prices for young bulls and slaughter cows are literally skyrocketing. FMD no longer seems to be an issue on ...
Bulls and cows are going through the roof
EU tariffs on nitrogen fertilizers from Russia and Belarus to reach €430/t: If the EU's plans are approved, the tariffs on nitrogen fertilizers from Russia ...
EU tariffs on nitrogen fertilizers from Russia and Belarus to reach €430/t
Energy production in the forest? Friedeburg allows the construction of wind turbines
Energy production in the forest? Friedeburg allows the construction of ...
This is the new motto of Agritechnica 2025: Agritechnica will start again in Hanover from November 9 to 15, 2025. The main theme this year is "Touch Smart ...
This is the new motto of Agritechnica 2025
New record: 460,771 Germans have a hunting license: Within three decades, the number of hunting license holders has increased by more than a third ...
New record: 460,771 Germans have a hunting license
Spreading manure: What do I need to do to ensure road safety?: Spreading manure is particularly dangerous on busy roads. Our expert explains what you need to ...
Spreading manure: What do I need to do to ensure road safety?
Trump throws out the Inspector General of the US Department of Agriculture: Because she did not accept the dismissal by US President Donald Trump ...
Trump throws out the Inspector General of the US Department of Agriculture
Fine for Fendt tractor: 5 years without MOT, bare tires, broken lights: The police inspected a tractor in NRW. The Fendt's MOT had expired years ago ...
Fine for Fendt tractor: 5 years without MOT, bare tires, broken lights
Leer: Court overturns wolf shooting - | now wolf dies in accident: The wolf was responsible for 14 attacks on livestock last year. A court prohibited the ...
Leer: Court overturns wolf shooting - | now wolf dies in accident
FMD: Why is the cause of the outbreak still not clear?: The FMD outbreak in Brandenburg continues to raise questions. How did the water buffalo become infected? ...
FMD: Why is the cause of the outbreak still not clear?
This is what the hunters' demonstration in Hanover with 20,000 participants looked like
This is what the hunters' demonstration in Hanover with 20 ...
"We need a new, flexible electricity market design": Energy market expert Daniel Hölder from the energy service provider BayWa re explains in an interview with ...
Stihl again threatens to relocate production: The small appliance manufacturer Stihl is putting the federal government under pressure with an ultimatum ...
Stihl again threatens to relocate production
Quick Glance: Stihl Considers Foreign Investment Amid Local Challenges
  • The saw manufacturer Stihl has set a 2030 deadline for political reforms regarding location conditions.

  • If improvements are not made, the company plans to build a new factory abroad.

  • Stihl cites rising construction costs, bureaucracy, and high labor costs as reasons for potential relocation.

  • Following a record revenue in 2022, the company feels compelled to reduce jobs and invest in automation.
Tractor pulls house: Without registration, operating license and insurance: In Rhineland-Palatinate, a tractor pulled a mobile house behind it - | but without ...
Tractor pulls house: Without registration, operating license and insurance
Netherlands tightens environmental protection - | Many livestock farms now without a permit
Netherlands tightens environmental protection - | Many livestock farms now ...
Herd protection dogs: What to consider when keeping them: Keeping herd protection dogs requires experience, planning and a high level of responsibility ...
Herd protection dogs: What to consider when keeping them
28 animals stolen from farm - | Farmer shocked: In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, 28 animals were stolen unnoticed from a farm. The farmer is shocked and is ...
28 animals stolen from farm - | Farmer shocked
Vintage tractor on fire: 19-year-old tinkers in grandma's garage: In NRW, a 19-year-old was tinkering with a tractor in grandma's garage. Suddenly ...
Vintage tractor on fire: 19-year-old tinkers in grandma's garage
Shouten Faunus F2118 - | The loading wagon with a mulcher instead of a pickup: The Faunus F2118 from Shouten is not just a loading wagon, but a combination ...
Shouten Faunus F2118 - | The loading wagon with a mulcher instead of a ...
20,000 hunters at a demonstration in Hanover: Large turnout in Hanover: Numerous participants from all over Germany had made the trip to the state hunting ...
20,000 hunters at a demonstration in Hanover
Heating oil prices fall well below 100 euros - | Heating oil customers on a buying spree
Heating oil prices fall well below 100 euros - | Heating oil customers on ...
Wood transport overloaded: driver has to unload half of the spruce trees: A wood transporter in Rhineland-Palatinate turned out to be significantly too high and ...
Wood transport overloaded: driver has to unload half of the spruce trees
Block butter more expensive again: The official listing office for butter and cheese reports an increase in block butter prices to now 7.40 to 7.55 €/kg ...
Block butter more expensive again
Slaughterhouses cut surcharges - | VEZG quotation must rise!: The red side is united: almost the entire slaughterhouse industry is cutting surcharges on the ...
Slaughterhouses cut surcharges - | VEZG quotation must rise!
Driving license soon to be a luxury item for young people?: Many young people in rural areas long for the freedom that a car driving license offers ...
Driving license soon to be a luxury item for young people?
Red areas invalid: Lower Saxony ruling has nationwide implications: The designation of red areas in Lower Saxony was wrong. This could have nationwide ...
Red areas invalid: Lower Saxony ruling has nationwide implications
Farmer searches for hours for farm dog - | suddenly the police call: In Münsterland, a farm dog walked to the train station after feeding the piglets - | and ...
Farmer searches for hours for farm dog - | suddenly the police call
New at K+S: CO2-reduced potassium and magnesium fertilizer.: With C:LIGHT, farmers now have the opportunity to use potassium and magnesium fertilizers with a CO₂ ...
New at K+S: CO2-reduced potassium and magnesium fertilizer.
Von der Leyen wants to replace the Green Deal: Ursula von der Leyen wants to replace the Green Deal with a new EU agenda. In this way, she wants to reduce ...
Von der Leyen wants to replace the Green Deal
Several tens of thousands of euros per hectare: lease land for battery storage?: Buy electricity cheaply and sell it expensively - | this is how operators of ...
Several tens of thousands of euros per hectare: lease land for battery ...