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Merz promises reintroduction of agricultural diesel - | if the CDU is in power: The (gradual) end of agricultural diesel angered German farmers at the beginning ...
Merz promises reintroduction of agricultural diesel - | if the CDU is in ...
Conow HW 320 three-axle vehicle with 32 t permissible total weight: The trademark of the medium-sized Conow trailer manufacturer is individual production in ...
Conow HW 320 three-axle vehicle with 32 t permissible total weight
Safely protected from predators - | LAND & FORST 41-2024: The Eits family from the Cuxhaven district keeps 19,200 laying hens and two Pyrenean Mountain Dogs ...
Safely protected from predators - | LAND & FORST 41-2024
Police check: Farmer has to remove corn shield and twin tires: Just crossing the street to the next silage maize operation. That's expensive for a Fendt ...
Police check: Farmer has to remove corn shield and twin tires
Central Germany severely affected by global warming: The effects of climate change are clearly visible in Central Germany. This region is particularly badly ...
Central Germany severely affected by global warming
Wolf management: grazing livestock owners turn down Özdemir: The livestock owners did not take part in the expert discussion on wolf management ...
Wolf management: grazing livestock owners turn down Özdemir
This is what the AfD is planning for agriculture: The AfD wants to shift agricultural policy from the EU back to Germany. Food security and livestock farming are ...
This is what the AfD is planning for agriculture
After accusation of right-wing populism: Free Farmers want to continue suing: The Free Farmers suffered several legal defeats in the legal dispute against an ...
After accusation of right-wing populism: Free Farmers want to continue ...
Fatal accident at Brandenburg tractor meeting: A serious accident at a tractor event cost a 24-year-old man his life at the weekend in the Brandenburg district ...
Fatal accident at Brandenburg tractor meeting
Agri-PV could cover more than 50 percent of the energy needs in Central Europe: A study by Ember confirms the importance of expanding agri-PV to cover more than ...
Agri-PV could cover more than 50 percent of the energy needs in Central ...
Prices for young bulls continue to rise - | Retailers are threatening to buy from abroad
Prices for young bulls continue to rise - | Retailers are threatening to ...
What's the state of the soil? Environmentalist Hannes Jaenicke on the trail for ZDF
What's the state of the soil? Environmentalist Hannes Jaenicke on the ...
Young farmer suddenly dead: family's desperate cry for help: A farming family in the Leibnitz district of southern Styria has been severely tested by fate ...
Young farmer suddenly dead: family's desperate cry for help
German farmers open to photovoltaics: What do German farmers think about investing in photovoltaic systems on their own land? What determines their willingness ...
German farmers open to photovoltaics
Renewable energy: How rural areas in Lower Saxony benefit: Lower Saxony is making progress: But more than half of the electricity consumption across Germany is ...
Renewable energy: How rural areas in Lower Saxony benefit
If lab meat is suitable for mass production: These are the options for farmers: According to a current study, a lab meat industry that develops in Germany could ...
If lab meat is suitable for mass production: These are the options for ...
SPD wants 15 Euro minimum wage - | CDU sees agriculture in trouble: The SPD probably thinks that a minimum wage is a good way to campaign. They want a good 2 ...
SPD wants 15 Euro minimum wage - | CDU sees agriculture in trouble
Butter: New record price expected: The price of butter will continue to rise until the end of the year, while the prices of grain and rapeseed are falling ...
Butter: New record price expected
Comment: Stubble of potatoes and onions - | Is it theft?: Is it theft or are you allowed to "search" for crops in the fields after the harvest? We'll answer ...
Comment: Stubble of potatoes and onions - | Is it theft?
International Farmers' Day: Female farmers work hard, get little: They work around the clock, look after children and the elderly and take care of the ...
International Farmers' Day: Female farmers work hard, get little
Shooting hurdles for wolves far too high - | Livestock farmers have finally had enough
Shooting hurdles for wolves far too high - | Livestock farmers have ...
Farmer prefers laying hens in free-range barns to sows: Having started with 200 chickens, Hendrik Meier now runs an open-air barn with almost 15,000 animals ...
Farmer prefers laying hens in free-range barns to sows
High Werner brings farmers good conditions for harvesting and sowing: Sunny weather with temperatures of up to 20 degrees can be expected throughout Germany in ...
High Werner brings farmers good conditions for harvesting and sowing
GLÖZ 7: Last date for sowing a catch crop: Farmers who want to partially meet the GLÖZ 7 crop rotation with catch crops (this must be stated in the area ...
GLÖZ 7: Last date for sowing a catch crop
Farmers' association warns in the Bundestag: Animal protection amendment costs livelihoods
Farmers' association warns in the Bundestag: Animal protection ...
Danish organic farms are in the red: The year 2023 was not a good one for full-time organic farms in Denmark. Taking into account the owner's remuneration ...
Danish organic farms are in the red
Video shows wolf jumping over 1.40 m fence: Footage from Schermbeck shows that even high herd protection fences costing €30,000 do not keep wolves away ...
Video shows wolf jumping over 1.40 m fence
Fertilizer prices: Is the time of "special offers" over?: The prices for fertilizers have stabilized. The dealers point primarily to the risks on the energy ...
Fertilizer prices: Is the time of
EuroTier silver for Betebe Strohexpress with automatic baler twine removal: The Betebe Strohexpress saves working time through automatic bale twine removal and ...
EuroTier silver for Betebe Strohexpress with automatic baler twine removal
With Auslauf gibt's more Eier: Some laying hens are not grown, others are left in the stable. A study tells you that there is a great deal of experience in ...
With Auslauf gibt's more Eier
Four common mistakes: What you should never do with a chainsaw: Motor-manual wood harvesting is dangerous work. From the right equipment to safe handling ...
Four common mistakes: What you should never do with a chainsaw
Why East Frisia's homeowners have to clear their gravel gardens: There is currently agitation among many homeowners in East Frisia. The reason: they are ...
Why East Frisia's homeowners have to clear their gravel gardens
Aldi wants to support Britain's Arla dairy farmers with 30 million pounds: Aldi is expanding its partnership with Arla in the UK and is investing 30 million ...
Aldi wants to support Britain's Arla dairy farmers with 30 million ...
Coburg Foxes are Instagram stars: Sheep team moves wood in the forest: You can't stop smiling when watching the video: Clara and Hermine are sheep - | and ...
Coburg Foxes are Instagram stars: Sheep team moves wood in the forest
Laying feed examined: What effect does animal protein instead of soy have?: Proteins from pork are easily digestible for laying hens and provide many nutrients ...
Laying feed examined: What effect does animal protein instead of soy have?
How the Poppen family makes the most of a medium-sized sow farm: Always develop, never give up: that is how you could sum up the work ethic of Hermann and Nadja ...
How the Poppen family makes the most of a medium-sized sow farm
EU Commission plans radical overhaul of the CAP budget: Internal documents from the EU Commission suggest that it wants to radically restructure the EU budget ...
EU Commission plans radical overhaul of the CAP budget
Weeds are spreading in Lower Saxony: tiger nut grass from arable soil: LAND & FORESTRY - | The voice of agriculture. For generations. Top news about plants ...
Weeds are spreading in Lower Saxony: tiger nut grass from arable soil
VNP: Wolf endangers heathland - | LAND & FORST 41-2024: The Lüneburg Heath Nature Conservation Park Foundation (VNP) is calling for swift permits to shoot wolves ...
VNP: Wolf endangers heathland - | LAND & FORST 41-2024
Disillusionment with politics in the food industry continues to grow: 78% of the companies surveyed in the agricultural and food industry rate the current ...
Disillusionment with politics in the food industry continues to grow
Solar industry expects five times the capacity of large storage facilities: The German Solar Industry Association (BSW-Solar) expects that around seven GWh will ...
Solar industry expects five times the capacity of large storage facilities
What happens when you have to give up a branch of your business?: How can farmers get back on their feet if they have had to give up a branch of their business? ...
What happens when you have to give up a branch of your business?
Özdemir: Ukraine's EU accession would have "significant effects on the CAP": The new Ukrainian Agriculture Minister Vitaly Kowal visited Cem Özdemir in ...
Özdemir: Ukraine's EU accession would have
Soil too wet or too dry? Lower Saxony has a digital drought atlas: The water content in the soil is essential for a good harvest. In the future ...
Soil too wet or too dry? Lower Saxony has a digital drought atlas
Nordzucker plant in Schladen repaired: beets are being processed again: The Nordzucker plant in Schladen is up and running again. Nevertheless ...
Nordzucker plant in Schladen repaired: beets are being processed again
Forest owners demand an end to the spiral of bureaucracy | and spiral of stress: Not only farmers, but also foresters and forest owners are groaning under the ...
Forest owners demand an end to the spiral of bureaucracy | and spiral of ...
Agriculture under fire: Biodiversity - | what does that have to do with me?: Biodiversity is all well and good, but what exactly needs to change? The ZDF format ...
Agriculture under fire: Biodiversity - | what does that have to do with ...
Baywa receives another bridging loan of €500 million: According to Baywa's board of directors, the group will receive another €500 bridging loan ...
Baywa receives another bridging loan of €500 million
Innovative stable construction with your own ideas: There are many special features in the Hämmerle family's cowshed. This is due to a funding project and ...
Innovative stable construction with your own ideas
Oil Friends: How a cooking oil start-up works with regional farmers: Paul Belthle has become known as the youngest oil miller in Germany. He successfully markets ...
Oil Friends: How a cooking oil start-up works with regional farmers
Clarkson's Farm: This secret star is getting his own series: The secret star of the popular farm series "Clarkson's Farm" is now getting his own show ...
Clarkson's Farm: This secret star is getting his own series
Biomethane: How 45 farmers are sticking to their construction project despite resistance
Biomethane: How 45 farmers are sticking to their construction project ...
Stinging insects: Oriental hornets discovered in Mannheim: The European hornet is native to Germany. The Asian hornet has immigrated and makes life difficult for ...
Stinging insects: Oriental hornets discovered in Mannheim
BMEL promotes conversion to the production of new protein sources: The BMEL wants to support farmers who rely on new protein sources. Money is available ...
BMEL promotes conversion to the production of new protein sources
Pig farming with stable margins: In September, German pig farmers got their money's worth again. The business was particularly profitable for sow farmers ...
Pig farming with stable margins
Corn transport: How high can the trailer be loaded?: Your agricultural trailer cannot be as high as you like in road traffic - | but the load can ...
Corn transport: How high can the trailer be loaded?
Swallows must go - | Supermarkets put farmers under pressure: It's a dilemma: the food retail industry wants to enforce hygiene rules that contradict species ...
Swallows must go - | Supermarkets put farmers under pressure
Serious accident - | Man gets caught in a harvester during potato harvest: In Lower Saxony, a young man got caught in a potato harvester due to a momentary lapse ...
Serious accident - | Man gets caught in a harvester during potato harvest
International Energy Agency expects solar boom by 2030: Renewable energies are developing very dynamically worldwide. In the electricity sector ...
International Energy Agency expects solar boom by 2030
Manure costs in the Netherlands are exploding: The costs of manure utilization in the Netherlands are currently reaching new record highs. Compared to 2022 ...
Manure costs in the Netherlands are exploding
Danish Crown plans to cut 500 jobs: Danish Crown, Denmark's largest meat producer, announces organizational changes. Due to falling pig stocks and high costs ...
Danish Crown plans to cut 500 jobs
Own grain storage: Is the investment worth it for farmers?: Having your own grain storage has advantages over storing it in a retail store ...
Own grain storage: Is the investment worth it for farmers?
Clarkson's Farm-Star: Kaleb Cooper's stage show soon on Amazon Prime: After 37 theater shows, farmer Kaleb Cooper's tour is over. He reported on ...
Clarkson's Farm-Star: Kaleb Cooper's stage show soon on Amazon ...
Record potato harvest expected in Germany: Germany's potato growers are expected to have a record harvest this year. The decisive factors are a larger ...
Record potato harvest expected in Germany
Rethink and reorganize the farm? - | These three ideas can help: Crises can trigger change. These learning areas help farmers to prepare for the future.
Rethink and reorganize the farm? - | These three ideas can help
Hochland focuses on vegan cheese: Hochland integrates the Simply V brand for plant-based cheese alternatives into the main company and combines several locations ...
Hochland focuses on vegan cheese
Covering the silo after chopping - | Duty or a matter of honor?: The corn harvest requires many helping hands - | even when covering it. Our survey shows that ...
Covering the silo after chopping - | Duty or a matter of honor?
Better for children: cow's milk: When children drink plant-based milk alternatives instead of cow's milk, the risk of serious nutrient deficiency ...
Better for children: cow's milk
Germany continues to lose biodiversity: Whether on land or in the sea: biodiversity is declining almost everywhere, a large-scale survey shows ...
Germany continues to lose biodiversity
Which cattle breed for fattening?: Would you rather fatten purebred or cross-bred animals? The Bavarian State Office for Agriculture (LfL) has investigated this ...
Which cattle breed for fattening?
Shares of wind turbine manufacturer Nordex top the MDAX: Nordex's books are full and the outlook is good. This convinces investors, and the share is up ...
Shares of wind turbine manufacturer Nordex top the MDAX
Hurricane Kirk will reach us on Thursday: Hurricane Kirk is currently raging at force 4 in the Atlantic and will reach mainland France in the next few days ...
Hurricane Kirk will reach us on Thursday
Record: Butter prices are higher than ever in Germany: Food is getting cheaper. But why is the price of butter significantly higher than the previous record ...
Record: Butter prices are higher than ever in Germany
Lack of damaged wood leads to higher prices for wood chips: Prices for wood chips will rise for A-quality wood in the second half of the year ...
Lack of damaged wood leads to higher prices for wood chips
Cleaning and maintaining biogas plants: Hof Barslund shows how it's done: Hof Barslund takes interested parties into everyday life with a farm vlog ...
Cleaning and maintaining biogas plants: Hof Barslund shows how it's ...
Lettuce, basil and tomatoes from high-tech farms: From rotating farms to fully automated systems without any people - | the solutions for indoor food production ...
Lettuce, basil and tomatoes from high-tech farms
These changes to agricultural payments are to apply from 2025: From 2025 there will be a number of changes to the receipt of agricultural payments from the CAP ...
These changes to agricultural payments are to apply from 2025
Leaving the church and protest: Church turns farmers into environmental sinners: The current study by the Catholic Church on agricultural reform is making ...
Leaving the church and protest: Church turns farmers into environmental ...
New record: Butter prices climb to €2.39: Butter is making further price jumps. Aldi is also significantly raising consumer prices. According to VMB ...
New record: Butter prices climb to €2.39
This is how Özdemir wants to push through animal husbandry labeling for beef: Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir now wants to extend the animal husbandry labeling ...
This is how Özdemir wants to push through animal husbandry labeling for ...